At life speed
Het verhaal van het Argentijnse herenmodemerk Suixtil leest als een spannend jongensboek dat begint in 1948. Het jaar waarin de Argentinean Automovil Club (ACA) een team met nationale topcoureurs Juan Manuel Fangio, Benedicto Campos, Jose Froilan Gonzalez en Onofre Marimon naar Europa stuurt om aan de F2 en F1 Kampioenschappen mee te doen.

Handmade shoes
PRADO vintage racing, Argentina
100% trots gemaakt in Buenos Aires, Argentinië. Thuisbasis van, ’s werelds meest beroemde coureur, Fangio.

My favorite toy
Suixtil Benelux
Hier vindt u alles over Suixtil- At life speed. Exclusieve herenkleding en accessoires met als oorsprong de jaren ’50 en begin ’60, the Golden Years of Motorsport. Gedragen door Juan Manuel Fangio, Peter Collins, Stirling Moss, Wolfgang Berghe von Trips, Olivier Gendebien, Jean Behra, e.v.a. De must have voor elke liefhebber van klassieke en hedendaagse sportauto’s, klassieke autosport en de heldendaden van de coureurs van weleer!
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Our Team
Suixtil – pronounced “Swix-til” – brings you contemporary menswear with a motoring heritage. Faithful re-editions of clothing and accessories worn by racing drivers from the 1950’s & 60’s; brought up to date and styled for today. Modern fabrics and materials ensure the very best in comfort and quality. Perfect for a leisurely or competitive drive; for the race meeting or everyday wear. Enduring and individual, Suixtil is the brand of choice for drivers, classic car owners and motoring enthusiast across the globe. More relevant than ever. Discover Suixtil today.

Shirley van der Lof
is a racing driver from the Netherlands, and grand daughter of former Formula One-driver Dries van der Lof. Besides her racing career, she strives to become the first Dutch female formula one driver.

Alexander Snijdewind
Since 2015 Alexander Snijdewind is the Suixtil agent for the Benelux. Since 2004 he also organizes La Carrera Paneuropeana.
He is also co-organizer off the Maus Gatsonides Trophy and the 9Elfstedentocht.
Until now he has written eight road books and a Porsche cookbook.

This could be you!
Job Title
A great picture from you wearing Suixtil. You can send us your ultimate best picture and you can become our new Suixtil team member!

Robbert Moree
Robbert Moree is a true petrolhead, classic car journalist and photographer. Since more then a decade already a real friend of our brand. He is not only enthusiastic about Suixtil himself but he always tries to introduce Suixtil by fellow petrolheads.
If you are missing a rare Suixtil piece in your personal wardrobe, you should ask Robbert first.